Tanegashima Airport

Shop with DoSPOT

Tanegashima Airport - Map

2692-64, Masuda Nakatane-cho kumage-gun, Kagoshima
Pin 1 DoSPOT available
Pin 2 DoSPOT available (with coupon)
A - E is a facility where neighbor DoSPOT can be used


Address 2692-64, Masuda Nakatane-cho kumage-gun, Kagoshima

Each shop is responsible for the information provided on this page and NTT MEDIAS is in no way liable for the information shown.


DoSPOT access points for comfortable Internet!
Public free Wi-Fi service

As long as you have a device compatible to Wi-Fi, you can use the Internet free of charge for a maximum of 15 minutes, up to 4 times a day. (Maximum 15 minutes × 4 times = maximum 60 minutes per day)

For details, go to DoSPOT TOP page